SP1 on Winodows Vista x86 Oem Hack

I recently tried to install SP1 on a system with Windows Vista Ultimate (OEM Hack) 🙂 !! DELL OEM Distribution.
I read many stories about successful installations. I tried it myself to see what happens.

1. Downloaded the SP1 from the official Microsoft’s site.

2. Disconnected the network cable (just in case).

3. Run the update.

there where 2 phases of install. First Of all it began with creating a restore point. (I thought that if the system was locked could I restore my system on a hacked state ???)
In the 1st phase of update took about 15mins on a (Core 2 6400 / 2GBRAM ) – Divided in 3 stages.
The second phase took about 10 min, displaying progress in windows welcome screen.

4. Connected the network cable back in place.

5. After a week the system still shows Activated.

I ll soon post any tweaks for better perfomance and overriding the stupid confirmation dialog.

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2 thoughts on “SP1 on Winodows Vista x86 Oem Hack

  1. Hi..

    Though no problems…..

    But i want to convey that yes some of the end users were facing such problems as you blogged about, There was some short of Bug which was making the system’s go handicap with sound and some of the other driver issues..

    The Best part for that is you uninstall the SP1 and then reinstall the same..

    You may get the things going…

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